Kamis, 27 September 2012

understanding, pillaars, example qiyas


A. Understanding qiyas

1. According to the language
Qiyas according to language is something other equations.
2. According to the terms
Qiyas is to explain something that does not exist nashnya in the Qur'an and hadith by comparing it with something legislated by nash.

B. Pillars Qiyas

Qiyas has four pillars, which are described as follows:

1. Ashl (principal), which is an event that is already there to be a place that nashnya mengkiyaskan. Ashl also called Maqis alaih (which is used as a place mengkiyaskan), mahmul alaih (the comparisons), or musyabbah BiH (where par).
2. furu '(branches), an event that does not exist nashnya. Furu 'also called Maqis (which sianalogikan), or musyabbah (the likeness).
3. ashl law, the Islamic rules' set by the texts.
4. Illat, which is a trait that is contained in the original law, the presence of that nature, ashl have a law.

C. Reason Qiyas

Jumhur the Muslim scholars agree that qiyas is proof syar'i and including the fourth source of law other sources.
Among the verses of the Qur'an were made to the fundamental law of qiyas is the word of God:
"He was the one who issued the unbelievers among the people of the Scriptures from their villages during the first eviction. You do not think that they would come out and they are convinced that their fortresses to defend them from the (punishment of) Allah and the God bring to it (punishment) from the direction they thought was not a suspect. and throw the fear of God in their hearts, they destroy their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers. Then take the (incident) to be a lesson, O ye who have insight. (Qs.59: 2)
From the above verses that Allah commanded us to 'take heed', says I'tibar here means passing through, beyond, move something to another. Similarly, beyond a sense of qiyas is subject to the branch of law that a (legal) ordered. It was ordered this must be carried out. Since the last two words 'i'tibar and qiyas' own understanding of past and beyond.

D. Example Qiyas

Law to drink alcohol, legal texts have been described in the Qur'an which is haraam. As the words of Allah:
"O ye who believe, Truly (drinking) alcohol, gambling, (sacrificing to) idols, raffle fate with arrows, including deeds are devils. So stay away from those deeds that ye may prosper. (Qs.5: 90)
Khamr illicit drinking law is based illat Fifth Major Precept. So each beverage contained therein illat with wine in the legal drink was unlawful.

 Rachmat Syafe'i, the science of usul fiqh.Pustaka Faithful
 Abdul Wahhab al-Khallaf, 'the science of Usul Fiqh

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