Jumat, 28 September 2012

definition of hajj


Definition of Hajj

         Hajj is deliberate something. The Hajj is meant here (by Personality ') is intentionally visited the temple to perform acts of worship, with certain conditions.

Mandatory Early Haji

          There is a difference of opinion among scholars in the beginning of compulsory hajj determine when, some say the year-6 Hijriyah, others say in year 9 Hijriyah.
And Hajj is obligatory upon those who can afford one time in her life. Word of Allah in the Qur'an:

"Pilgrimage is a duty men owe to Allah, are (for) people who could Organizing a trip to the House." (Ali Imran: 97)

Rasulullah SAW said:

بنى الاسلام على خمس: شهادة ان لااله الاالله وان محمدارسول الله واقام الصلاة وايتاء الزكاة وحج البيت وصوم رمضان  (متفق عليه)

"Islam is founded on five basic: (1) testified that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, (2) establish prayer five times a day, (3) pay the Zakat, (4) pilgrimage kebaitullah, (5) fasting in Ramadan. "

Mandatory Requirements Hajj

1. Islam. (not obligatory pilgrimage to the pagans)
2. Rational. (not obligatory pilgrimage for the insane)
3. Baligh. (up to age 15 years, or of legal age with other signs)
4. Able. (not obligatory Hajj if unable to)

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