Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Qur'an relationship with economic

         The Qur'an is a revelation and kalamullah is revealed through Gabriel to the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam in Arabic for people who berilmusebagai alerts and news, and rewarding when reading [1], as the word of the Almighty:
"And the Qur'an is actually lowered by the Lord of hosts, he is brought down by Ar-Ruh al-Amin (Jibril), your heart (O Muhammad) that you may be one among the people who gave warning, with a clear Arabic language. "(Ash-Syu'ara :192-195)
The Qur'an is the primary source of Islamic teachings. The Qur'an is the revelation of Allah as revealed to His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAW. Al-Qur'an preserved and maintained by God, according to his word as follows:
"Surely We sent down the Qur'an, and the fact we really keep". (Al-Hijr: 9)
Al-Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Khuzaimah said: "The Qur'an is kalamullah-not created. Whoever says the Qur'an is a creature, then he has been ungrateful to Allah, the Exalted, is not acceptable persaksiannya, not dijenguk if sick, not dishalati if dead, and should not be buried in the graveyard of the Muslims. He was asked to repent, if not then decapitated.
And in the Qur'an there is some content, such as:
1. Principles of faith (Tawheed) in Allah, belief in angels, the apostles, the books, the final day, qodli-qodor, and so on.

2. Shari'ah principles as the foundation of human life so that no one path and remain in the right corridor how amenjalin relationship to God (hablun minallah, worship) and (hablun minannas, mu'amalah).

3. Promise or news to who do good (Bashir) and the threat of punishment for those who commit sin (nadzir).

4. Story-purse history, such as the stories of the prophets, the people of the past, both the righteous and the rebellious act of God.

5. Fundamentals and cues science: astronomy, physics, chemistry, law, geography, economics, agriculture, health, technology, literature, culture, sociology, psychology, and so on.
From the point of view of the contents, Al-Qur'an a lot more to discuss about human life both individually and generally. And Al-Qur'an in inviting mankind to believe and practice its demands in all aspects of life often uses the term known in the business world, such as buying and selling, profit and loss and so on. [2]
Al Qur'an Al Karim not only explain the belief, faith and aqidah. In the Qur'an also contains miracles, both language and content arrangement of its contents. In the Qur'an also contains content about economic values. And derived from the Qur'an also gives birth to Shariah economy. Islamic economics is a social science that studies the economic problems of the people who dilhami by Islamic values. Islamic economics is different from capitalism, socialism, and the welfare state (Welfare State). Different from capitalism because Islam oppose the exploitation of labor by capital owners are poor, and prohibits the accumulation of wealth. In addition, the economic standpoint as well as the demands of life Islam is a suggestion that has a dimension of worship.
If it is called the Qur'an as Suber teachings in Islamic economics, that is not the teachings of the Qur'an contains a complete so-called Islamic economic system, such as goods and services are to be produced, HOW to produce it and to whom the goods distributed so that it has the benefit of society. Akann but the point is the Qur'an contains universal values ​​about how exactly it should be formulated in Islamic economics. [3]
In the concept of Islamic economics, the concepts of the Qur'an and the hadith is the global discourse about economic life that functions as a frame to the policies and measures that want realism. [4] As the words of Allah:

"O believers, when summoned to perform the Friday prayer, Then haste ye in the remembrance of Allah and leave your trading. which is better for you if ye only knew ". (Al-Jumu'ah: 9)
The verse above gives the sense that business (look for excess gifts of God) made after prayer and in that sense does not rule out an essential purpose of profit that Allah promised benefits. Therefore, although push do the hard work, including in business, Al-Qur'an highlight that encouragement should be greater than the urge to get what the business is located beside Allah. [5]
As a source of value and source of the teachings of the Quran generally have common properties (Majmu '), therefore daperlukanlah efforts to understand the contents of the contents of the Qur'an.
And from the aspect of getting, using and distributing wealth. al Quran al Karim hinted that process transactions for each property must be willing (pleasure), and do not call it "free" to get the treasure. Because the word "free" in acquiring the property would give birth to the search for a property with a value-free in any way as long as a profit maximization.
Allah says:

"O you who believe, do not consume each neighbor's property by way of vanity, except with the Prevailing trade with the same love-love among you. and do not kill yourself for Allah is Most Merciful to you. "
(An-Nisa: 29)
This verse indicates that the transaction is a mutual exchange willingly. Exchange means mutual acceptance and mutual giving. Both sides are equally getting, both parties mutually beneficial and mutually felt manfaatknya. Then, between the two sides are pleased, mutual feeling of sincerity in him to receive and give in the transaction process. Then the transaction is forbidden usury, gambling, fraud and deceit because they lead to tyranny.
And another example is the problem of distribution. Al-Qur'an al-Karim said the problem is closely related to the distribution of justice. Distribution of wealth and evenly to reduce disparities and social inequalities. The concept of equitable distribution of wealth is different from the capitalist economic system that respects private property so as to exploit the wealth and oppressed people, so ekonimi socialist system of public ownership, eliminating uphold individual rights.
Allah says:

"What are the booty (Fai-i) that God has given His Messenger (of the property) derived from the population in cities so is to Allah, for the apostle, kinsfolk, orphans, the poor and the people are on the way, so that the property should not circulate among the rich people among you. what is given unto the Apostle, then accept it. and what he forbids you, then leave. and fear Allah. Verily Allah Amat harsh punishment. "
Actually, the above verse as a whole is talking about Fai '(booty gained from the enemy without fighting), so that the original interpretation was "what is given Messengers (of treasure fai') you then accept him" for the creation of distributive justice. (See Jalalain). But the interpreter as Ibn Kathir and al-Qurtubi also interpret the phrase "what is given unto the Apostle receive him" the meaning "of what the Apostle commanded ..." since after that there was an order to abandon what is forbidden by the Apostle, in addition, it is also because of the Hadith narrations that support meaning.
The command to distribute kekekayaan contained in the paragraph above shows that the Qur'an wants justice in distribution though others actually earn more but he had to share with the lucky yet. People who have more treasure to be shared with other communities in need, whether through aid, donations, endowments, charity and how job creation.
In the view of Islam, the life of the world is a field to grow crops that will be harvested in the Hereafter. In the Islamic view, wealth is not the goal but only a means to achieve a good religious life. Therefore, economic activities are not solely to accumulate wealth, but how to obtain and use must be based on faith, morals, and the balance between the physical and spirit.

Daftar Pustaka :
Syaikh Manna’ Al-Qaththan. Pengantar Studi Ilmu Hadits Edisi Terjemah. Jakarta. Pustaka Alkautsar, 2004.
Mansur Hasan nasution. Lebih dekat dengan al-qur’an. (bandung:citapustaka media perintis, 2009)
Marthon, Said Saad. Ekonomi Islam. Jakarta : Zikrul Hakim, 2004.
Muhammad, Lukman Fauroni. Visi Al-Qur’an Tentang Etika dan Bisnis. Jakarta: Salemba Diniyah, 2002.
Karim, Adiwarman. Ekonomi Islam. Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2001
Fadhil Nur Ahmad, Akmal Azhari. Etika Bisnis Dalam Islam. Jakarta : Hijri Pustaka Utama, 2001

[1] Manna’ Khalil Al-Qattan. Studi Ilmu-ilmu Qur’an. (Bogor:Pustaka Lentera Antar Nusa, 2011)
[2] Muhammad,Luqman Fauroni. Visi Al-Qur’an tentang etika dan bisnis. Jakarta:Salemba Diniyah
[3] Nur Ahmad Fadhil, dan Azhari Akmal. Etika Bisnis Dalam Islam. Jakarta : Hijri Pustaka Utama 2001
[4] Said sa’ad marthon. Ekonomi islam. Jakarta:Zikrul Hakim, hal.20
[5] Muhammad,Luqman Fauroni. Visi Al-Qur’an tentang etika dan bisnis. Jakarta:Salemba Diniyah

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